Six decades past, she joined her brother and sister in a family that was yet to grow by one. Three grew to four, and the female influence on family dynamics now outnumbered males four to two. With childhood memories still fresh, each left to fulfill their own destinies through new life experiences and higher education. She was led to a city of familiar stone, and the Tricolour became the vehicle to grant her the title of Occupational Therapist. She quickly solidified her reputation as a “people person,” loved by children, parents, and administrators alike. Her desire to work with youth led her to “The Rock,” where sport and campfire light bathed her in a life changing glow. Her smile shone like an angel at an oceanside gathering, where he knew in his heart that this engaging young woman would be his lifelong companion. Sussie Q and Peter grew and experienced their young lives together, and were blessed with three boys who have continued the cycle of exploration and achievement that started with her sixty years before. Nature energized her spirit, and the exploration of these unspoiled surrounds through hiking, camping, biking, and canoeing remains to this day her place of peace and reflection. Sitting under a windswept pine on a rocky perch, you share this moment of solitude with one who loves you. Thoughts of future adventures are shared with anticipation, but on your sixtieth, feelings of pride flow through you both in the joy of reminiscing.