Art for Sale
Morning’s Reward
Sunlight breaks the shroud of mist covered waters to reveal a place of contentment here in this tranquil isolation.
Drifting Near
Remain still in this isolation that is gifted you and listen for the sounds of contented existence.
Night Rhythms
High on an owl’s stealthy perch, lunar light illuminates pine boughs and magical colours of Labradorite encased in subterranean layers.
Labrador Winds
Instincts of a predator adorned in ivory hues move him slowly from one stone monolith to the next in search of sustenance.
Rock Solid
Bands of Neoarchean ebony and crimson anchor the stately inhabitants of this isle, where respect and stewardship of the landscape are inherent.
Canoe Series #52
This is the 52nd sculpture in my Canoe Series. You will notice the edition number and my signature engraved on the back of the metal canoe.
The Reawakening
Tranquility and serenity filter through this reality as solitary figures drift by with carefree intent.
Algonquin Repose
Daylight gives way to twilight as all take pause and return to places of familiarity.
Some seek the turbulence of white water as challenge and reward comes to those who prevail.
Through the Branches
At times, darkness swirls around us and blankets optimism with a smothering cloak in wildfire haste.
Raven’s Island
Release the struggles and pressures of the urban existence and seek solace in the peace and freshness of this quiet isolation.
In the Transparent Moonlight
Sunlight has faded and the forest returns to a tranquil and still reflectiveness on the day gone by.
Algonquin Spectrum Limited Edition Archival Prints
Own a limited edition, archival print of Peter’s newest 2023 piece entitled Algonquin Spectrum.
Cranberry Moon
Set between Algonquin lakes, Smoke Creek’s promise of calm waters becomes cloaked in deception as our paddles stress against wind tossed waves.
Northern Light
Embrace the positive energy of the night sky as it cleanses your spirit in a spray of pinpoint lights and reassuring silence.
Limited Edition Prints of Kawatha
Own a limited edition, archival print of Peter’s 2021 piece entitled Kawatha.
Peter is excited to have launched his new book entitled, Reflections in Glass and Stone on August 1, 2020.
Limited Edition (25) Archival Print of Seasons of Algonquin
Own a limited edition, archival print of Peter’s iconic 2019 piece entitled Seasons of Algonquin.
Limited Edition (25) Archival Print of Jack Pine Visions
Own a limited edition, archival print of Peter’s iconic 2017 piece entitled Jack Pine Visions.
Limited Edition (25) Archival Print of Lake of Two Rivers
Own a limited edition, archival print of Peter’s iconic 2018 piece entitled Lake of Two Rivers.
Tree of Life
Your water laden Westerlies rise and cool while making the long ascent over the Algonquin Dome. Life giving precipitation falls to be embraced by twenty-four drainage systems which feed the headwaters of seven pristine rivers; The Madawaska, Muskoka, Magnetawan, Amable du Fond, Petawawa, Bonnechere, and York Rivers. The tree of life spawns seven crystal clear waterfalls that flow from the highlands of Algonquin to nourish the rich and diverse ecosystem surrounding it.
The Messenger
Messengers of different kinds deliver news that brings joy into our lives, but much too often they also come with news of loss and future suffering. The icebergs of the North Atlantic are awe inspiring, and a sight of natural beauty, but they are also messengers of a climate change that quite possibly could effect the globe we live on. Since 1979, when satellite record keeping began, Arctic sea ice has been disappearing, due to greenhouse gases, by about 38,000 square miles annually. The messenger will continue to knock on our doors, but whether we heed the warning and act is up to all of us. This is the challenge of The Messenger.
The Art of Discovery STS – 42
This sculpture was created to honour Roberta Bondar’s accomplishments in space. Discovery is the shuttle name, and STS – 42 is the flight number when she became the first female Canadian in space.
Muskoka Magic
The Autumn leaves shiver with excitement. The Pines bow to the winds as they whicper their secrets. A distant Loon laughs in reply to the whispering winds, and the stoic Granite remains silent knowing it is the foundation of all that is Muskoka magic.
L’Eau Dansante
Yield to me your secrets that I may know the storms I must endure. Yield to me your secrets that I may know the peace I may encounter. Yield to me your secrets that I may know the journey with faith and joy through the waves of my life.
Blue Mystique
I sit at the edge of day. It is the beginning of night. The sun exchanges places with the moon, and there is great stillness in the air. The night is full of magic, but all that is heard is the echo of the loon’s call. Blue Mystique envelopes those who will listen to the silence. The silence that is you.
Secrets of the Wetlands
Look below the surface and discover a world unknown to those who pass by in haste. Skimming over life’s tapestry rewards few, but searching and opening oneself to self-discovery and endless possibilities enrich the souls of those who dare to challenge expected norms. Seek what moves below still waters, and discover the networks and catacombs that past generations have entrusted to us. Protect the creatures who inhabit these dark and mysterious pools from those who see them only as wastelands to be drained for profit. Truly open your senses to the secrets of the wetlands.